Our lab aims to develop novel techniques and methods to study and unveil the system-level principles governing the organization, function, and evolution of the large-scale biological circuitry. Studies in our lab range from the reconstruction and analysis of complex biological networks to comparative analyses of subsystems across different organisms, and from methods to naturally identify functional modules and other system-level components in gene circuitry to the large-scale massive prediction of molecular interactions from high-throughput data.
The long-term aim is to unveil evolutionary and system principles governing complex biological networks and to use this knowledge to develop novel strategies in synthetic biology. To accomplish this, we integrate high-throughput data and different databases combining knowledge from molecular biology, complex systems theory, graph theory, computer science, statistics, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Regarding teaching, since 2003 our group is responsible for the curricula and teaching of courses in computer science (“Programming Principles” and “Scientific Computing”). Additionally, we teach courses in systems biology and a workshop on this area having a teaching/research approach in the frontier of modern biological sciences. All these courses are taught for the Undergraduate Program in Genomic Sciences campus Morelos. Since the recent founding of the Undergraduate Program in Genomic Sciences ENES Juriquilla in 2018, we have been invited to participate in teaching the successful courses “Programming Principles” and “Scientific Computing”. We also teach graduate-level courses on the same areas for the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences and the Graduate Program in Biochemistry, both at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Featured Publications
Freyre-Gonzalez, J.A.*, Escorcia-Rodríguez, J.M., Gutiérrez-Mondragón, L.F., Martí-Vértiz, J. Torres-Franco C.N., Zorro-Aranda, A.
System Principles Governing the Organization, Architecture, Dynamics, and Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
10:888732 -
Escorcia-Rodríguez, J.M., Tauch, A., and Freyre-González, J.A.*
Corynebacterium glutamicum Regulation beyond Transcription: Organizing Principles and Reconstruction of an Extended Regulatory Network Incorporating Regulations Mediated by Small RNA and Protein–Protein Interactions
9(7):1395 -
Escorcia-Rodríguez, J.M., Tauch, A., and Freyre-González, J.A.*
Abasy Atlas v2.2: The most comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of meta-curated, historical, bacterial regulatory networks, their completeness and system-level characterization
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
18:1228-1237 -
Freyre-González, J.A.*, Treviño-Quintanilla, L.G., Valtierra-Gutiérrez, I., Gutierrez-Ríos, R.M., and Alonso-Pavón, J.A.
Prokaryotic regulatory systems biology: Common principles governing the functional architectures of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli unveiled by the natural decomposition approach
Journal of Biotechnology
161(3):278-286 -